Morning Madness Dive-a-thon ​

Sponsor a diver for any flat amount at any time, between now and June 24.
Or complete your “per dive” sponsorship after June 11 and your diver informs you of their dive total.

Either way your generous donation helps ALL MVN DIVERS by funding new diving boards, dryland equipment, spring floor, video analysis equipment and SO much more!

Go Nadadores!

  • Pledge Amount *

    Min: $10.00

  • Diver's Name *

Product total

Options total

Grand total


The Mission Viejo Nadadores are excited to announce the 2024 Morning Madness, our only ALL-TEAM FUNDRAISING EVENT!

What is Morning Madness? Morning Madness is an all-team event marking the culmination of our Swim and Divea-thons on Saturday, June 8, 2024. All of our swimmers and divers will gather to complete their laps/dives to earn their pledges for Swim/Dive-a-thon.