The Mission Viejo Nadadores are committed to keeping our athletes safe. Please see the attached documents for our policies regarding these safe sport topics. Coach Kristeen Gracia is our Safe Sport Liason and Club Coordinator for the team so please feel free to contact her with any questions at . Please feel free to use USA Swimmings Safe Sport Website as an additional reference as well.
USA Swimming Safe Sport or contact SafeSport Staff.
To deal with a Safe Sport concern, contact USA Swimming at (714) 866-4578. Contact the U.S. Center for Safe Sport to make a REPORT. Call (833)5US-SAFE (587-7233) or use the online reporting form or find more information at
MVN Policies:
Anti-Bullying Policy
Electronic Communication Policy
Use of Photography Policy
Locker Room Policy
Code of Conduct (For Athletes)
Code of Conduct (For Coaches)
Safe Sport MAAPP Signature Page
MAAPP Waivers:
Hotel Stay Waiver (for adult athletes rooming with non adult athletes)
Carpooling Waiver (for adult athletes driving non adult athletes)
Travel with Team Waiver (for applicable adults to travel with non adult athlete)